Thursday, 11 April 2013

How To: Android Rooting and Flashing – Pros and Cons


It means getting the root access of the android mobile. On installing the root package the handset provides the access to all the system files. Android Rooting is mainly performed to overcome the limitations of the handset. Android Rooting is similar to ‘jailbreaking’ in iOS. Most of the 2012 devices are pre-loaded with the root permission.

Procedure to ROOT Android Device

STEP 1: Download the required root update package by searching over the internet.
STEP 2: Copy the package to the SD Card
STEP 3: Backup all your data for security purpose.
STEP 4: Switch off the handset and switch ON by pressing both the Power button and the Volume UP button simultaneously to enter the recovery mode (The key combination may vary from various handset)
STEP 5: Select the option “INSTALL UPDATE FROM SD CARD” and select the update package
STEP 6: Restart the mobile. Now your handset is rooted. If you want to unroot your device, repeat all the steps but instead of the ROOT package use the UNROOT package.
Rooting installs an 3rd Party App called the SuperUser. This app provides the root access to most of the app like (LINK2SD, ROM MANAGER, Screenshot IT, etc.).


Speed-up your device: Rooting gives access to the LIND2SD app which allows you to freeze the running apps. Hence most of the background running apps are closed which frees up the RAM.
More Space: All the apps can be moved to the SD card which gives more internal space for the low-memory devices. All the unnecessary in-built apps can be removed.
Take Screenshots: Screenshots can be taken. This feature is in-built in the ICS devices.
Customise your Android: All the System apps can be replaced (i.e.) you can change your boot logo with an image, cancel all the start-up apps, etc.
Get the latest Version of Android: You can get the latest update before it is officially released.


Warranty Void: Rooting comes under the ‘Terms and Conditions’ of Google. According to which the warranty is void is the phone is Rooted. In some cases the Android market also is removed from your device.
Low SecurityYour device is now open which means it has no security. A malicious app can damage your device to a great extent. Is your device is subjected to any threat you might even brick your phone. The term brick means ‘Your phone is dead!!!’
Warning: I owned a Samsung Galaxy Ace and I rooted it and I replaced the music app with the incompatible version the app and within two days my Android market was removed and later I tried to install the Xperia Home Screen app into my mobile and I got bricked. Rooting is a total risk. Don’t be afraid, I flashed it and got back my warranty.


Flashing means removing the stock ROM and installing a different ROM in your Android device. For most of the older mobiles you may need to flash the kernel also. The best method to flash your device is using the flash tool.

Procedure to FLASH Android Device

STEP 1: Unlock your mobile’s boot loader. This procedure changes for every mobile and the procedure will be available in the manufacturer’s official forum.
STEP 2: Install the flashtool in your PC. The flashtool can be downloaded from the internet.
STEP 3: Get the flash file of the Kernel. The flash file has an extension of .tft which is to be downloaded from the internet.
STEP 4: Open the flash file in the flashtool and connect your phone. Your phone is ready to be flashed. Now click on the flash button.
STEP 5: Copy the custom ROM file (.zip) in the SD and go into the recovery mode and select the option “INSTALL UPDATE FROM SD CARD” and select the ROM package
STEP 6: If the mobile doesn’t have an recovery mode then the ROM also can be flashed in the flashtool.
  • Reboot the device into flash mode.
  • Wipe your device
                         flashboot –w
  • Update your ROM
                         flashboot update </path/to/your/>
STEP 7: Restart your mobile and enjoy..!!
Note: If something goes wrong, there is a high possibility of getting bricked. My friend uses a Sony Ericson Xperia Mini in which the STOCK ROM was 2.1. But he flashed both the kernel and ROM and now has Android 4.1 with more features like Wi-Fi tethering, Wi-Fi Direct, etc. Flashing is risky but beneficial.
Readers! I hope these tips will help you a lot. We’d love to guide you. Incase, you encounter an error or want to make some suggestions share with us through comments.


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