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Thursday, 28 February 2013

Base 64 Encode And Decode

*    By Afnum Vvip
*    in decode you can put <?php or evrything in it like
*    <?php  eval(base64_decode('YWZudW0gaGVuc2Vt'));  ?>
*    it can decode it for you :D
<title>Base 64</title>
<body bgcolor="#333">

<table align="center" border="2px" bordercolor="#fff" width="100%" bgcolor="#333">
<center><th><a  href="?do=encode" title="Encode Your Script">Encode</a></th><th><a  href="?" title="Encode Your Script">Home</a></th><th><a href="?do=decode" title="Decode Your Script">Decode</a></th></center></table><br />

$f = array('<?php', '<?' , 'eval', '(', ')', 'base64_decode', '\'', ';', '?>');

case encode:
    <center><h1>Base64 Encode</h1><br />
    <form method="post">
    <textarea name="str" style=" height: 160px;  width: 653px; ">'.htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST["str"])).'</textarea><br /><br />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Encode! " />
    </form><br /></center>
    $submit = $_POST['submit'];
    $str = $_POST['str'];
    doencode($_POST['submit'], $_POST['str']);

case decode:
    <center><h1>Base64 Decode</h1><br />
    <form method="post">
    <textarea name="dec" style=" height: 160px;  width: 653px; ">'.htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST["dec"])).'</textarea><br /><br />
    <input type="submit" name="submitt" value="Decode! " />
    </form><br /></center>
    $submitt = $_POST['submitt'];
    $dec = $_POST["dec"];
<font color='#FFF' size='5px'><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><b><pre>
__________                           ________  _____ 
\______   \_____    ______  ____    /  _____/ /  |  |
 |    |  _/\__  \  /  ___/_/ __ \  /   __  \ /   |  |_
 |    |   \ / __ \_\___ \ \  ___/  \  |__\  |    ^   /
 |______  /(____  /____  > \___  >  \_____  |____   |
        \/      \/     \/      \/         \/     |__|


function doencode(){
global $submit, $str;
    if($submit && !$str){
        echo "<script>alert('Y U NO Fill The Box ????')</script>";       
    else if ($submit && !empty($str)){
        $strs = htmlentities($str);
        $enc = base64_encode($str);
        echo '<hr /><center><h1>Base64 Encoded</h1><br /><textarea style=" height: 160px;  width: 653px; " readonly>';
        echo "<?php  eval(base64_decode('$enc'));  ?>";
        echo '</textarea></center>';

function dodecode(){
global $submitt, $dec, $f;
    if($submitt && !$dec){
        echo "<script>alert('Y U NO Fill The Box ????')</script>";       
    else if ($submitt && !empty($dec)){
        $decode = str_ireplace($f, '', $dec);
        $deco  = base64_decode($decode);
        $html = htmlentities(stripslashes($deco));
        echo '<hr /><center><h1>Base64 Decoded</h1><br /><textarea style=" height: 160px;  width: 653px; " readonly>';
        echo $html;
        echo '</textarea></center>';


Sunday, 17 February 2013

MD5 Cracker Web List


MD5 Cracker Web List

Just wanna share with you guys. A list of web/services for cracking a md5 hash.
Check it out. r0x d4 n3tw0rk


- online md5 cracker,md5 reverse, md5 decrypt (457,354,352,282)

- | online md5 cracker

- [ md5 crack password crack hash checker ]

- (MD5 Search engine by searches a total of 14 on-line crackers.)

- Index of / (5,889,729)

- AP3 Designs

- (The database is approximately 70gb)

- - reverse engineer md5 hashes - powered by (56,502,235)

- GData: An Online MD5 Hash Database (3,251,106)

- TMTO[dot]ORG (306.000.000.000)

- - free md5/lm hash cracking (Milw0rm Cracker db)

- BlackLight's hash cracker (2,456,288)

- | DataBase MD5 | ( The data base currently contains 169582 passwords )

- Parallels Confixx (Need Account)

- Passwords recovery - MD5, SHA1, MySQL (Register to increase your priority)

- md5ÔÚÏß²éѯÆƽâ|md5½âÃÜ|md5¼ÓÃÜ|salt





















- <-- API: {hash}











[ md5 crack password crack hash checker ] - free md5/lm hash cracking [ index ]


----------------------------------------------------------------- ( #rainbowcrack |||| #rainbowcrack) ( #md5) ( #md5crack |||| #md5crack)

----------------------------------------------------------------- (427-921-047) <- md5, ntlm (405-701-776) <- md5





Free Rainbow Tables » Distributed Rainbow Cracking » LM, NTLM, MD5, SHA1, HALFLMCHALL, MSCACHE
Rainbow Tables . net

Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack

Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack

The web is a generative and wild place. Sometimes I think I missed my calling; being devious is so much fun. Too bad my parents brought me up with scruples.
Most phishing attacks depend on an original deception. If you detect that you are at the wrong URL, or that something is amiss on a page, the chase is up. You’ve escaped the attackers. In fact, the time that wary people are most wary is exactly when they first navigate to a site.
What we don’t expect is that a page we’ve been looking at will change behind our backs, when we aren’t looking. That’ll catch us by surprise.

How The Attack Works

  1. A user navigates to your normal looking site.
  2. You detect when the page has lost its focus and hasn’t been interacted with for a while.
  3. Replace the favicon with the Gmail favicon, the title with “Gmail: Email from Google”, and the page with a Gmail login look-a-like. This can all be done with just a little bit of Javascript that takes place instantly.
  4. As the user scans their many open tabs, the favicon and title act as a strong visual cue—memory is malleable and moldable and the user will most likely simply think they left a Gmail tab open. When they click back to the fake Gmail tab, they’ll see the standard Gmail login page, assume they’ve been logged out, and provide their credentials to log in. The attack preys on the perceived immutability of tabs.
  5. After the user has entered their login information and you’ve sent it back to your server, you redirect them to Gmail. Because they were never logged out in the first place, it will appear as if the login was successful.
I dub this new type of phishing attack “tabnabbing”.

Targeted Attacks

There are many ways to potentially improve the efficacy of this attack.
Using my CSS history miner you can detect which site a visitor uses and then attack that site (although this is no longer possible in Firefox betas). For example, you can detect if a visitor is a Facebook user, Citibank user, Twitter user, etc., and then switch the page to the appropriate login screen and favicon on demand.

[*] Think looking for the exact error thrown when embedding <script src=””/> it will be differ depending on if the user is logged in or logged out.

Even more deviously, there are various methods to know whether a user is currently logged into a service. These methods range from timing attacks on image loads, to seeing where errors occur when you load an HTML webpage in a script tag*. Once you know what services a user is currently logged in to, the attack becomes even more effective.
You can make this attack even more effective by changing the copy: Instead of having just a login screen, you can mention that the session has timed out and the user needs to re-authenticate. This happens often on bank websites, which makes them even more susceptible to this kind of attack.


Attack Vector

Every time you include a third-party script on your page, or a Flash widget, you leave yourself wide open for an evil doer to use your website as a staging ground for this kind of attack. If you are the evil doer, you can have this behavior only occur once in a while, and only if the user uses a targeted service. In other words, it could be hard to detect.
You can also use a cross-site scripting vulnerabilities to force the attack to be performed by other websites. And for browsers that do not support changing the favicon, you can use a location.assign call to navigate the page to a controlled domain with the correct favicon. As long as the user wasn’t looking at the tab when the refresh occurred (which they won’t be), they’ll have no idea what hit them. Combine this with look-alike Unicode domain names and even the most savvy user will have trouble detecting anything is amiss.


Try it Out

You can try it out on this very website (it works in all major browsers). Click away to another tab for at least five seconds. Flip to another tab. Do whatever. Then come back to this tab.
It’s hard to find, isn’t it? It looks exactly like Gmail. I was lazy and took a screenshot of Gmail which loads slowly. It would be better to recreate the page in HTML.

Update: Many people have reported that the attack doesn’t change the favicon in Chrome. This was due to a bug in Chrome which has been fixed in the version 6.0.408.1. Chrome is fully susceptible to this attack.
You can get the source code here: bgattack.js.


The Fix

This kind of attack once again shows how important our work is on the Firefox Account Manager to keep our users safe. User names and passwords are not a secure method of doing authentication; it’s time for the browser to take a more active role in being your smart user agent; one that knows who you are and keeps your identity, information, and credentials safe.

Havij v1.14 Advanced SQL Injection



Havij is an automated SQL Injection tool that helps penetration testers to find and exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web page.
It can take advantage of a vulnerable web application. By using this software user can perform back-end database fingerprint, retrieve DBMS users and password hashes, dump tables and columns, fetching data from the database, running SQL statements and even accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system.
The power of Havij that makes it different from similar tools is its injection methods. The success rate is more than 95% at injectiong vulnerable targets using Havij.
The user friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) of Havij and automated settings and detections makes it easy to use for everyone even amateur users.

What’s New?

  • Sybase (ASE) database added.
  • Sybase (ASE) Blind database added.
  • Time based method for MsSQL added.
  • Time based method for MySQL added.
  • mod_security bypass added.
  • Pause button added.
  • Basic authentication added
  • Digest authentication added.
  • Post Data field added
  • bugs related with dot character in database name fixed
  • syntax over writing when defined by user in blind injections fixed.
  • mssql database detection from error when using JDBC driver corrected.
  • time out bug in md5 cracker fixed.
  • default value bug fixed
  • string encode bug fixed in PostgreSQL
  • injecting URL rewrite pages added.
  • injecting into any part of http request like Cookie, User-Agent, Referer, etc made available
  • a bug in finding string column fixed. (specially for MySQL)
  • Finding columns count in mysql when input value is non effective added.
  • window resize bug in custom DPI setting fixed.
  • some bugs in finding row count fixed.
  • getting database name in mssql error based when injection type is guessed integer but it’s string fixed.


How to use

This tool is for exploiting SQL Injection bugs in web application.
For using this tool you should know a little about SQL Injections.
Enter target url and select http method then click Analyze.
Note: Try to url be valid input that returns a normal page not a 404 or error page.

What Is Doxing? - Doxing And It's Uses

First, let me explain what Doxing is. Doxing is the process of gaining information about someone or something by using sources on the Internet and using basic deduction skills. Its name is derived from “Documents” and in short it is the retrieval of “Documents” on a person or company.

You’re probably thinking, “Okay, so basically it’s getting information from searching someone’s email on Google right?” in a sense yes, but there are actually easier ways to get someone’s information online. The most popular and most common method is to use a website called Pipl ( Pipl allows you to search for full names, emails, usernames, and even phone numbers, thus making it a very useful tool for hackers. Another source hackers can use is Facebook ( Sure, Facebook allows full name searches, but most hackers aren’t using it for its name search; they’re using it for its email search.

The main goal when Doxing is to find the target’s email (if you don’t have it). Your email is essentially your passport online; you sign up for websites using it, you have personal information on it, and if someone has access to it, they can essentially pretend to be you online. Once the hacker has the email, all he has to do is put it into Facebook or Pipl and he will be able to find you, assuming the email he has is connected to some account you have online. On the flipside of this, in order to find your email, the hacker either has to guess your email, befriend you on Facebook,or, hack one of your vulnerable friends and view your email that way. Once he’s done that, you’re in trouble.

Now, you’re probably thinking, “How’s he going to hack me with just my email?” well, that’s where Doxing comes in handy. If he can view your Facebook account, or he can find some other bit of information about you using Pipl, he can do what’s called reverting. Reverting is the process of using the target’s email’s recovery questions to gain access to the target’s email. Now, you may be thinking, “How’s he gonna guess my recovery question answers?” well, take a second look at your recovery questions and ask yourself, “Can someone find this answer online?” If you answered yes, then you’re vulnerable to reverting.
Any hacker reading this, that didn't previously know about reverting, would probably look at this and say

This would never work!” but you have to remember… we’re all humans, and we all make mistakes. Surprisingly, this method works more often than you’d think, but it is not for anyone who is lazy. Doxers tend to spend a while searching around the web for information that they can use.

Chances are, you’ve made some mistakes online, and if a skilled Doxer finds that mistake, then you’re in trouble. The Doxing method is based purely on the ability of the hacker to recognize valuable information about his target and use this information to his benefit. It is also based around the idea that, “The more you know about your target, the easier it will be to find his or her flaws.”

How can you insure that you won’t be Doxed?
Well, as the Internet becomes more and more useful and addicting, it will become harder to not get Doxed. The main issue for most victims is their security questions, and their password security. If a victim has a very easy-to-find recovery question, then the victim will be easily reverted within a matter of seconds. Also, if the victim has a simple password, it could get brute forced simply by using a wordlist that applies to the victim’s interests, likes, and fancies (of course, this method is not as popular).

So, the main rule to not getting hacked is: Have secure passwords, and almost impossible to guess recovery questions. The main rule to not getting Doxed is… to just stay off the Internet; but, who wants to do that?

// - Exploit & Vulnerability Search Engine

This is a online search for currently utilizing data from NVD, OSVDB, SecurityFocus, Exploit-DB, Metasploit, Nessus, OpenVAS, and PacketStorm.Well search engine does the work but this is a specific search engine for better results. There not much to write about just visit the site and all your queries will be answered.

How To Access The Hidden WIKI?

How To Access The Hidden WIKI?

Easy tutorial video here. I suggest watching it! :


For those who don't know, the deep web represents a gargantuan part of the internet which is not accessible through regular searches via google or other search engines.

Searching on the Internet today can be compared to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean. While a great deal may be caught in the net, there is still a wealth of information that is deep, and therefore, missed. The reason is simple: Most of the Web's information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites, and standard search engines never find it.

Here are some facts on The Deep Web:

· Public information on the deep Web is currently 400 to 550 times larger than the commonly defined World Wide Web.

· The deep Web contains 7,500 terabytes of information compared to 19 terabytes of information in the surface Web.

· The deep Web contains nearly 550 billion individual documents compared to the 1 billion of the surface Web.

· More than 200,000 deep Web sites presently exist.

· Sixty of the largest deep-Web sites collectively contain about 750 terabytes of information — sufficient by themselves to exceed the size of the surface Web forty times.

· The deep Web is the largest growing category of new information on the Internet.

· Deep Web sites tend to be narrower, with deeper content, than conventional surface sites.

· Total quality content of the deep Web is 1,000 to 2,000 times greater than that of the surface Web.

· Deep Web content is highly relevant to every information need, market, and domain.

· More than half of the deep Web content resides in topic-specific databases.

· A full ninety-five per cent of the deep Web is publicly accessible information — not subject to fees or subscriptions.

What lies beneath the surface is a who's who of hackers, scientists, drug dealers, astronomers, assassins, physicists, revolutionaries, Government officials, Police, Feds, terrorists, perverts, data miners, kidnappers, sociologists, etc. As you can tell, the party goes across the entire moral spectrum.

I find this subject to be utterly fascinating which needs to be studied further. Whilst there are tons of bad seeds who inhabit this deep web, there's also good seeds who wish to spread their information quickly and most often anonymously, to avoid legal or ethical ramifications.

In order to access the deep web you use the Tor browser in addition to the Tor extension for Firefox. This is a good starting point.

And then access the Hidden Wiki which is a small but useful reference point to start on your journey of the deep web. kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion

They got folks who literally can go toe to toe with Anon on there. Dudes who are really dangerous in the sense they are near omnipotent. This is where the serious computer viruses are made and where plots are made. They have security viruses and everything.


The reason the "Deep Web" is the way it is is because only about 10 percent of what's on the internet is generally/commercially interesting. Sure you could dig deep into the annals of the information superhighway but most if it is raw information. It's not packaged and easily digestible like stumbleupon or tumblr. They are websites that purposely don't get pinged to search engines so they are harder to find.

To sum it up, it's basically a private section of server space to share data off record. All that wiki leaks stuffed that leaked a couple months back? That's been on deep web for years. Ever seen a movie and see the bad guy or hacker loggin' into some weird looking private server? that's all real. Generally, terrorist networks, spy agencies, drug dealers, assassins-for-hire, and those looking for child porn lurk around those parts. There's a Hidden Wiki, there, and on the wiki they're categories of links. There are things like blogs, forums (from normal to revolutionary to blatantly illegal), Tor-enabled instant messaging and chat, anonymous file hosting, anonymous financing, anonymous tipping and information exchanges, information on computer security/anonymity, info on warez/cracks/hacking, all the books, music, movies you can possibly imagine, even links to sports betting and trade information, links to international drug markets, prostitution rings, assassin markets, black market products, child pornography, Some of societies most deviant people use this network. Not just those that browse the sites on there but also those who create it and manage them..and it's almost impossible to find either of the offenders.

Even underground fighting tournaments to the death (I'm not joking very real very organized). Very Real trained professional fighters. It may seem surreal but they are guys that train with the best and want no part of UFC or any fight league. Dudes who really enjoy fighting to the death. It's just crazy explaining it it's not some barroom brawl. These things happen and alot of millionaires pay big money to see them. Modern Gladiator battles. I heard there are some with humans vs animals.

However, 0.00000001% of all data on the dark web is stuff normal people will be able to access, understand and use. And even a small fraction of that is illegal stuff.. its not like some hardcore underground network of spies, killers, pedos and criminals. The rest % is used by their respected authorities.

Don't be an idiot and start clicking on links you see on the hiddenwiki, but poke your head in the door you'll see its not modern anarchy in there.

While the information on the deep web is vastly overwhelming, it should not be feared. In most aspects, the information is just there, it's what you choose to do with the information that can lead you to trouble and imprisonment. Producing, storing, exchanging, transferring information.

Before you begin I suggest learning how the deep web works and what you can do to better protect yourself against intruders and anything that can compromise your true anonymity

I'll post how to get on the Hidden Wiki next.

Here is a screenshot of a typical source in the Deep Web:

This is like some post apacolyptic world where they only accept the bizarre currency bitcoins and all the websites look like they are from 1990's era geocities.

BTC's are the deep web's form of currency.. bitcoins.
This **** is hilarious, bizarre, and terrifying..
half the time the sites dont work and result in the most cryptic jargon filled errors. the other half, you wait ten minutes for it to load only to see something which shocks you because of how serious it is. this is where the hackers hang out. The can use your own webcam to spy on you. (srs)

I know what you're thinking some of the best hackers around and the server is slow as. The servers are probably used to a pretty small amount of traffic. With the attention deep web has got from niketalk and anon. in the last few days they are probably struggling a bit I reckon. Could be wrong on that but basically patience is a necessity in the deep web.

Now I'm just a cog in the machine. A really big machine. And really just relaying information found on other fora as mentioned already. I'm just trying to find people that are in it already. I want to know what they're saying on current events, Libya, Nasa investigation on that metorite, higher alien life forms, where Adrian Wojnarowski gets his trade information from etc

While the information on the deep web is vastly overwhelming, it should not be feared. In most aspects, the information is just there, it's what you choose to do with the information that can lead you to trouble and imprisonment. Producing, storing, exchanging, transferring information.

Before you begin I suggest learning how the deep web works and what you can do to better protect yourself against intruders and anything that can compromise your true anonymity

Here, you can read up more about the deep web:

This has information on what the .onion network is and how it works:

Here is where you can read up on TOR:


From there, you can get the tor bundle at

Click Start Tor Browser once you have completed the steps.

Firefox will open up with this as the main page

From there, you are now somewhat anonymous and can now access .onion and the hidden web.

Keep in mind that Tor is not 100% anonymous...multiple proxies are needed in addition to tor, of course a firewall and Antivirus as well. I'd disconnect or put tape over my webcam , disable javascript cookies, temp data, use ccleaner...

Hope this helped.


Maksud Blue Screen

Dapat dari forum devilc0dez.amat berguna information nih.
Selalu terjadi bluescreen tapi kita tatau apa ni pnjelasannya.

Error yang selalu muncul kalau BlueScreen.
Sebab terjadi;
- driver corrupt atau tak sesuai
- problem pada video card.mungkin video card telah dioverclock terlampau. atau baru tukar video card baru tapi terlupa uninstall driver yg lame dari chipset yg berlainan
- problem pada audio card. terdapat kesalahan config atau bug pada driver sound card anda

2. NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM atau FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0X00000024) atau (0X00000023)
- Problem kt partition atau file sistem tapi bukan kat harddisk.
- boleh cek samada kabel yg digunakan SATA or PATA or guna je tool chkdsk

Reason dapat error nih
- overclock hardware berlebihan
- ada komponen komputer yg panas
- BIOS corrupt
- Memory dan CPU yg kurengg

- kemungkinan terjadi sbb memory atau memory slot kt motherboard telah rosak

- possibility ada kerosakan hardware tmasuk memory utama,memory video card atay memory di processor (L2 Cache)

- terdapat masalah atau kesalahan config dalam jumper harddisk,virus boot sector,driver IDE controller yg salah or salah driver chipset.

- error ini berkemungkinan ada kesilapan masa installation driver video card contoh install xlengkap,restart b4 complate installation or driver tu sdri problem

- ini ada masalah dengan driver yg xsesuai..selalu terjadi bila install XP semasa upgrade

- possibility RAm rosak

- ada problem dengan CPU
- overclock yg agresif
- power supply yg dah nazak or rosak

kredit to lintang27 dari devilc0dez dan BinusHacker

Universal USB Installer - Easy Way to Make Bootable USB

I want to share with all how to make USB bootable linux using Universal USB Installer.

What you need?
- Any Linux image(.iso) that you want to make it bootable using USB.
- Flashdrive,thumbdrive minimum with 1Gb size.
- And make sure your PC have the USB port :)

How to use?

1 - Download the installer from here

2 - After that, just run the file.
a) I agree. Then choose your preferred.
b) find the location to the image.
c) In my case, the installer cant detect my image's location automatically,so I just put the full path manually in the location box. As example I put my Fedora at Desktop. So the full path will be

3 - Then choose your USB Drive. Tick format so it will format your USB to FAT32.

4 - And then you just need to wait until it complete.

Have a try! :)

credit to :

other recommended software
- unetbootin
- linuxliveusb


Although this may not be Social Engineering, its good to know if you plan on d0xing or using someones info to possibly social engineer information or items from said person.

1. Pipl (great for searching people around the world)
What does it do: Pipl is also one of the best free people search engines. Gets data from various sources and displays them on one page where you can see online profiles, blog posts that person made, archives and other valuable information.

2. AddressSearch
What does it do: This is a pretty new people search service. You can search by name and find the email of someone. However, there’s a (nice) catch: you cannot view the full email but can always send a message to the person via their system. The best thing: unlike many of the sites here, this one is (so far) 100% free.

3. Facebook Friend Search and Friend Browser (login required)
What does it do: Facebook is free to search and also free to register (I bet you didn’t know this). They recently introduced a new feature called “Friend Browser” (link above, you need to be logged in to access this feature) where you can easily find friends from high school, your previous workplace and so on. You can also use the standard “Friend Search” (first link above) and browse over 500 million active members.

4. KGBPeople
What does it do: KGBPeople is a very robust engine for finding people and their social networking accounts, web data, pictures and so on.

5. Tweepz
What does it do: Search for people on Twitter by name, profession, religious background and many other criteria. Twitter grows every day and so the number of people registered there.

6. Spokeo
What does it do: Spokeo supports locating individuals by name and username. Unfortunately, searching by phone and email is not free (but there are many othere which do that!)

7. Lullar (great for reverse email lookup)
What does it do: Lullar is a seldom-known reverse email and username search engine. They have a good ability to do a reverse email lookup (using the 16 most popular social networking sites) and there isn't any free website doing a better job on this.

8. Username Check
What does it do: If you know that the person you’re searching for has an unique username you can use this tool to search by that criteria and see where is he registered. Browses over 160 social networks.

9. TinEye
What does it do: With TinyEye you can search by PICTURE. Yeah, seriously. If you have a picture of a person and you want to see where that picture appears elsewhere on the web this is a great tool. They currently index 1 billion images and although this is a very small portion of the web but the index grows rapidly every month. Use this tool only if you have a lot of pictures of the individual.

10. Yasni
What does it do: Yasni is a mind-blowing resource that you can use to find people by name. Pretty decent resource.
Find Classmates & Workplace and Military Friends

11. Jigsaw
What does it to: Do you know where the person you’re looking for was/is currently working at? In that case, you can use Jigsaw (which is probably the biggest business directory) to search by company and find that person’s phone number.

What does it do: Alumni provides a list of alumni websites all over the world to help find your classmates. It is the biggest website on the internet of its kind. Often updated with current information on individuals.

13. Classmates
What does it do: Classmates is a big people search engine to help you find your friends from college, workplace and military.

14. ZoomInfo
What does it do: Zoominfo will search for large range of employees for different companies. Use this site to find professionals and workplace friends.

Find People using White Pages Directories

15. White Pages
What does it do: White Pages is the most popular directory to search for a person’s address and phone numbers. You can also do a reverse phone and address search so if you know the address or the phone, you can easily find the name.

16. AnyWho
What does it do: Although it has a smaller database to WhitePages, it contains some information about people that White Pages does not currently have. Use them in a combination.

17. ZabaSearch
What does it do: This is a bit of a different website than the previous two. Here you can also find addresses and phone numbers like in Anywho and Whitepages. Sometimes they display different data than White Pages, but that is not often.

Find Maiden Names and Relatives

What does it do: If you go on and start searching, you’ll find the potential relatives of the person you’re looking for and their approximate age. You will also see the possible roommates/associates. Powerful stuff.

19. US Search
What does it do: This is a website for background checks *(not free)*. However there are some excellent free functions they provide. If you type a person’s name, in the results you’ll see previous names of the person. Often if you’re looking for a married female you can find her maiden name this way (or if you don’t know her married but know the maiden name.) You will also see previous locations.

Find People using Public Records

20. Public Records Finder
What does it do: If you scroll down below you’ll see a list of public records by state. There you have thousands of websites that provide free public records.

21. Infobel
What does it do: Infobel is by far the world’s largest directory of white pages resources. Use it for international people search.

22. Ancestry – Social Security Death Index
What does it do: Search people by their social security number and see if they’re still alive. Or you can use this search engine to find deceased people and do further research.

23. Criminal Searches
What does it do: This was the only free criminal records engine. You can search for a person and see if they has a criminal record.
Find People Using General Search Engines

24. Google People Search
What does it do: You can use Google to enter a phone number (this is only for United States) and it will give you the owner of that number. You can also search for a person using Google. Just make sure you surround the first and last name in quotes. So, write “John Smith” instead of John Smith.

25. Yahoo People Search
What does it do: Yahoo uses their search engine to find people for you. It is a great resource.

26. You Get Signal
What does it do: Network location tools, Reverse IP, Whois lookup. You name it, they got it.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Kilobytes(KB), Megabytes (MB), Gigabytes (GB), Terabytes (TB) and more..

Megabytes (MB), Gigabytes (GB), Terabytes (TB)
- Istilah yang biasanya digunakan dalam dunia pengkomputeran untuk
menerangkan ruang cakera keras atau ruang simpanan data dan sistem

Jika beberapa tahun lalu Megabyte (MB), namun kini Gigabyte (GB) adalah
istilah yang biasa digunakan untuk menerangkan saiz atau kapasiti ruang
cakera keras (hardisk). Tidak lama lagi, Terabyte (TB) pula akan menjadi satu istilah yang biasa bagi pasaran hardisk pada masa akan datang.

Berikut ialah jadual/carta pengiraan bagi menerangkan perbezaan antara Bit, Byte, Kilobyte, Megabytes, Gigabytes dan Terabytes:

Disk Storage
  • 1 Bit = Binary Digit
  • 8 Bits = 1 Byte
  • 1000 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte
  • 1000 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte
  • 1000 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte
  • 1000 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
  • 1000 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte
  • 1000 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte
  • 1000 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte
  • 1000 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte
  • 1000 Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte
  • 1000 Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte

Processor or Virtual Storage
  • 1 Bit = Binary Digit
  • 8 Bits = 1 Byte
  • 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte
  • 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte
  • 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte
  • 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
  • 1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte
  • 1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte
  • 1024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte
  • 1024 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte
  • 1024 Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte
  • 1024 Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte

Kenali USB & Jenisnya

USB atau nama penuhnya Universal Serial Bus. USB
dibangunkan pada pertengahan 1990-an. USB direka bentuk untuk
menyeragamkan semua peralatan yang disambungkan pada sesebuah komputer
seperti papan kekunci (keyboard), tetikus (mouse), kamera digital,
telefon dan lain-lain. Sebagai contoh jika dahulu beberapa perkakasan
komputer menggunakan port jenis PS/2 dan kini ianya telah diseragamkan
bagi menjimatkan ruang. Pembangunan USB ini bermula apabila 7 syarikat
iaitu Compaq, DEC, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NEC dan Nortel yang bertujuan
untuk menyeragamkan kesemua sambungan peranti kepada komputer. Dan
sehingga hari ini terdapat 3 versi USB iaitu USB 1.0, USB 2.0, dan USB
[Image: Ps-2-ports.jpg?resize=400%2C150]
Contoh Port PS/2
USB 1.0

[Image: usb.png?resize=374%2C126]

USB 1.0 diperkenalkan pada Januari 1996. Pada versi ini, kadar permindahan data
sebanyak 1.5 MBit/s untuk kelajuan rendah (Low Speed) dan
12Mbit/s untuk kelajuan tinggi (Full Speed).
Untuk versi ini ianya agak terhad dan terbatas. Akhirnya pada September
, USB 1.1 diperkenalkan secara meluas dan telah dapat mengatasi
masalah yang terdapat pada versi sebelum ini. Untuk versi kelajuan
tinggi, ianya digunakan untuk peranti berkelajuan tinggi seperti pemacu
cakera keras (Hard Disk Drive), dan kelajuan rendah untuk
peranti seperti joystick. Dan bermula dari saat ini, tujuan
menyeragamkan untuk sambungan perkakasan komputer telah hampir
sepenuhnya berjaya.

USB 2.0
[Image: usb2.0.jpg?resize=400%2C187]

Selepas hampir 2 tahun iaitu pada April 2000, Hewlett-Packard, Intel,
Lucent Technologies (now Alcatel-Lucent), NEC dan Philips bersama
mengetuai inisiatif untuk membangunkan USB yang mempunyai kadar
permindahan data lebih tinggi. Untuk versi 2.0, mereka berjaya
meningkatkan sehingga 40 kali ganda kadar pemindahan data berbanding
versi USB 1.1. Untuk versi 2.0, ianya mencapai kadar pemindahan data
sebanyak 480Mbit/s atau 60MB/s
. USB 2.0 terus berkembang pada Disember
kerana berjaya berhubung dari satu peranti kepada peranti lain
tanpa menggunakan host utama dan ianya dikenali sebagai USB On-The Go.
Pada tahun berikutnya (Mac 2007) USB 2.0 memperkenalkan fungsi yang amat
berguna dengan membolehkan proses pengecasan berlaku. Dan pada saat
inilah kabel sambungan mikro-USB diperkenalkan. Dan semakan terakhir
untuk versi USB 2.0 dilepaskan pada Disember 2010 dan menetapkan kuasa
sebanyak 1.5A pada port pengecas untuk peranti yang tidak
dikonfigurasikan, membenarkan sambungan kelajuan tinggi disamping
mempunyai nilai arus sebanyak 1.5A dan kadar arus maksimum sebanyak

USB 3.0
[Image: usb3.0.png?resize=400%2C210]

USB 3.0 telah diperkenalkan sejak
November 2008
. Spesifikasi ini membenarkan kadar pemindahan data pada
kadar maksimum iaitu sehingga 5Gbit/s atau 635MB/s)
. Dengan kadar
pemindahan data itu, ianya mengurangkan tempoh penghantaran data dan
penggunaan kuasa. Untuk versi 3.0 ini, ianya dikenali sebagai
SuperSpeed”. Port untuk USB 3.0 kelihatan sama seperti port USB 2.0,
tetapi untuk versi 3.0 ianya menggunakan 9 pin berbeza dengan versi 2.0
yang hanya menggunakan 4 pin
. USB 3.0 dapat beroperasi dalam mode
full-duplex (USB 2.0 – half-duplex), dimana proses memuat naik data dan
memuat turun data dapat dilakukan serentak tanpa merendahkan kadar
pemindahan data. Pada permulaannya, Intel dan Apple tidak menggunakan
USB 3.0 ini sehingga tahun 2011 dan akhirnya apabila 2 syarikat besar
ini menggunakan USB 3.0 pada peranti mereka ianya telah berkembang
dipasaran hingga ke hari ini.
Untuk maklumat semua, USB 3.0 masih
boleh digunakan pada port 2.0 dan vice versa tetapi kadar pemindahannya
terhad. Selain dari itu, penggunaan USB 3.0 mempunyai masalah pada
dan Windows 7 yang secara amnya tidak menyokong USB 3.0. Tetapi,
untuk versi Windows 8 ianya menyokong USB 3.0 sepenuhnya. Jadi disini
aku sarankan pada mereka yang mahu membeli laptop/peranti komputer,
pastikan ianya berkemampuan menyokong USB 3.0 kerana satu hari nanti
ianya akan digunakan secara meluas.

Tips 100+ Collection of Useful Website


1. – merakam filem dari desktop anda dan menghantarnya terus ke YouTube.
02. – untuk menangkap screenshot panjang penuh laman web.
03. – memendekkan URL yang panjang dan menukar URL ke kod QR .
04. – mencari URL asli yang bersembunyi di balik URL pendek.
05. – tahu lebih daripada sekadar waktu bandar tempatan
06. – copy aksara khas yang tidak pada keyboard anda.
07. – sebuah mesin carian yang lebih baik untuk twitter.
08. / AppStore- IOS app carian tanpa melancarkan iTunes.
09. – tempat terbaik untuk mencari ikon dari semua saiz.
10. – download template, clipart dan gambar untuk Office dokumen anda.
11. – semua yang anda ingin tahu tentang sebuah website.
12. – scan setiap fail yang mencurigakan atau lampiran e-mel untuk virus.
13. – mendapat jawapan terus tanpa mencari.
14. – laman web cetak tanpa kekacauan.
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16. – ketika anda ingin berkongsi laman NSFW tapi dengan amaran.
17. timer online sederhana untuk keperluan sehari-hari anda.
18. jika sebuah laman sedang down karena lalu lintas yang padat, cuba akses melalui CDN karang.
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100. membuat diagram alur, diagram rangkaian, peta laman web, dll
101. – Dapatkan Facebook dan Twitter di peti masuk anda.